Bible Club
“Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.” Prov 22:6 KJV

As a faith-based foundation, Bible study is central to our ministry. It is a program designed to teach children and youth the Word of God and to share the Gospel with them in a way that they can understand and respond to.
It creates an environment where children feel valued, loved, and safe, and can have fun learning about God and His great love for them.
The program includes music, Bible lessons, Bible verses, fun review games, contests, special Bible activities, crafts, prizes and much more… These activities are done in groups of children of the same age and are designed to help children learn Bible truths in fun and interesting ways.
Our goal is to help children know God intensely, love Jesus deeply, and understand the Bible correctly. We should have our children by the hand while they are still children, because when they are already adults, it is difficult to deal with them.
Our goal is for the youth to know Jesus Christ personally during their young lives and to tell others about Him.