Social Help Services Project
Quality healthcare is a luxury often beyond the reach of those who live in the slums. Most of the sick from very poor families just buy medicine from the local shops hoping for a recovery since it is a matter of luck considering most of the time, the medicine is not usually the right one. Because government health facilities are not so easily accessible, the general well being of children in the school we work in also falls in our hands.
As guardians of the kids under our care, we ensure that they are properly treated and medicine bought for them. We take care of the life of each child.

Uwezo also supports individuals with great need either through food donations ,House rent, one time School fees clearance or Medical fee clearance .
Uwezo has also adopted a family which has a single parent who is disabled and has one Child disabled too. We cater for her rent and also give food donations once in a while to the family.
If you would like to volunteer as a professional medic, kindly contact us to help you in this noble quest.
VolunteerIf you would like to support us in this healthcare project, kindly see below: